Tuesday, April 7, 2009


here how you write your assignment:
i. Cover Page should have MUCH's logo, subject name and code, your topic, name,
ID, group.
ii. 1st page is for the Akcnowledgement
iii. 2nd page is for the List of Contents
iv. 3rd page is for the Objectives
v. 4th page is for the Introductions
vi. 5th to 14th page is for the issues and subtopics. Your points should not
less than five
vii. 15th page is for references of books and web address etc.
viii. THE END

Your assignment should be written this way:
i. Text - Century Gothic Font, size 11
Point's Title - Underlined and Bold, size 14
ii. Marginate, 1.5 all sides, justified
iii. Coloured cover page (creatives), properly binded
iv. Header - page numbers, topic. at the right corner of the page
Footer - refence, quote
v. Separate page for different subtopic.


Students, please study the listed topics and pick the best one for your assignment. You MUST submit your assignment ONE WEEK before your final exam.

* AEHO should have a wise and wide legal knowledge to comply their works with the Legal Procedure provided for them.

* Malaysian legal system should more serious in cases involving environments.

* Post hierarchy of AEHO and their jobs scope.

* Problems faced by AEHO in handling legal briefs.

How to start your assignment? Click here for important contents and guidelines.

Monday, April 6, 2009


I created this blog as an effort from me to assist my students in upgrading their understandings and answering skills in my teachings. This blog will discover the popular questions either essays or multiple answer questions come up during tests, mid-term exams or even in final exam, without including the specific answer for those question as it will be the homework for the students who provides time for their extra training. Elaborating the anwersing skills will tender a good command of answering essay questions and guidelines to manage their answer scripts. Giveways to students for clarifications of subjects that wandering their minds from time to time. I aimed to be able to help those who taking semester six in MUCH specially students taking Diploma in Environmental Health to obtain better marks and finally graduate with flying colours. Check out for the current updates everyday and All the best to my students!